Vršac, the smell of early autumn…

The small city of Serbia  is a town famous for well-developed industry, especially pharmaceuticals, wine and beer, confectioneries and textilesis. It is a mixture of Romanian Banat and daring Serbia. You can encounter many people speaking Romanian, and, strangely enough, not even one speaking English. The festival of ripes, the festival of wines was a weird mixture of Chinese staff, German candies, lots of incredibly good looking sweets  and many handmade objects. What was interesting enough were the pigs and the lambs burning in the  exhausting fire in order to be crusty and delicious, which was actually happening. You had to stay to long queues in order to be served, but the waiting was worth since everything was tasty. As for the wine, that was not in such a great variety, whearas  the young wine could have been found in only one place.

For a more touristic approach of Vrsac, you can visit Kuna,which dates back to the mid 15th century. It stands at the top of the hill (399m) overlooking Vršac, the citadel of the city, which offers quite a view of the entire place.One of interesting places to visit in Vršac is the family winery,Vinik, which produces the  so called Vržole Red, Vržole White and Bermetto wine.september-2016-malta-m9-467september-2016-malta-m9-492september-2016-malta-m9-425september-2016-malta-m9-441september-2016-malta-m9-477september-2016-malta-m9-457september-2016-malta-m9-437september-2016-malta-m9-444

2 thoughts on “Vršac, the smell of early autumn…

  1. This small town of Serbia is so picturesque and so self-sufficient. I enjoyed so much my two little trips there, busy green market with home made craft and tasty food. It’s a delight of the Serbian Banat.


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