Milano- fashionable and impressive

The capital of fashion owes its grandeur to its fabulous buildings and places.


The Dome is the symbol of the city. Dedicated to Saint Mary of Nativity , the church, the largest in Italy and the fifth largest in the world  is also the seat of the Archbishop of Milano.The most spectacular view of the  Gothic Dome (almost 6 centruies to be completed) is through the innumerable marble spires and pinnacles that adorn the rooftop. On a clear day you can see the Alps.




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It is  as you know the city of La Scala and the Dome.The grand Gothic cathedral, the Duomo, lies at the geographical heart of this one-time Imperial Roman capital.600 years in the making. Its pearly white facade, adorned with 135 spires and 3400 statues rises like the filigree of a fairy-tale tiara. The interior is no less impressive, punctuated by the largest stained-glass windows in Christendom, while in the crypt saintly Carlo Borromeo is interred in a rock-crystal casket.

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This iconic red-brick castle was later home to the mighty Sforza dynasty, who ruled Renaissance Milan. The castle’s defences were designed by the multitalented da Vinci; Napoleon later drained the moat and removed the drawbridges. Today, it houses seven specialised museums.


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Milano’s museums, theatres and landmarks  attract over 9 million visitors annually.


If you happen to be in Milano and you have visited almost everything on your list , you can set off to lake Como, which is very nearby. The lake of glacial origin is 146 square kilometres , the 3rd largest in Italy. At over 400 metres is one of the deepest in Europe and it used to be a retreat for wealthy people since Roman times.Besides the incredible sights and villas , it is also a palce for sailing, windsurfing and kitesurfing.

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