Ineleț and its stairways to Heaven

If I have to choose a divine destination, Ineleț ,a hamlet near Băile Herculane, in Caraș Severin county , would be my number one destination, because this place is of incredible beauty and splendour.

The perfect silence and the windy paths that lead you to Ineleț can become a memorable moment of your life, because you will be so much impressed by these amazing places.


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The access to this isolated place (one of the most isolated in Romania) is difficult and is made through 4 wooden stairs of 20 metres, made of locust trees, built by the local people 40 years ago.  The walk will take you about one hour and a half, but the sightseeings are sensational. Mehedintului Mountains , the flowers and  the trees offer great views for your photos.june 2014 360june 2014 362june 2014 310.JPGjune 2014 356june 2014 303.JPG



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The village of Scărişoara is made of the following hamlets: Cracu Mare, Ineleţ, Crouri, Ţaţu and Gura Iuţii. These places have no electricity, no roads and you will find no cars or other facilities of the modern world.

Fewer and fewer people live here. Nowadays, there are about 6 families that still live here. The tough life at  1000 m altitude makes people leave these hamlets.


june 2014 372.JPGjune 2014 379.JPGThe people are friendlier, warmer and patient. They cultivate vegetables and grow cattle, because during winter time they remain there isolated and have to live with what they have.

Imagine a place where there are no shops, no drug stores, no post offices and no restaurants.  But, you can find a church, where the priest comes 4 times a year and when there is a funeral, a school( with 3 or 4 kids) and a cemetery that is in the yard of the church. However, the postman comes regularly here.

Due to different campaigns, volunteers all over Romania and even abroad , came here to help and offer their support. As a result, the school has got solar panel and computers.


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So, Valea Cernei , among other fabulous destinations  gives us this splendid isolated world. Do not forget to visit it!

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