The outdoor steam locomotives museum includes 16 of the most important locomotives that used to function here.

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  • In 1972, a century after their manufacture got started, 16 steam engines, most of them built in Resita, were gathered up in order to emphasize better this chapter of engineering history as well as of the past of this city.Picture 106.jpg



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  • The most outstanding is the locomotive called “RESICZA”, one of the first three steam engines built in South-Eastern Europe, at Reşiţa, between 1872 and 1873
  • In 1960 the production of steam locomotives ceased, the Romanian industry focusing on the production of diesel railway engines. Steam locomotives have been used by C.F.R. (The Romanian Railway Company) until 1980. Between 1980 and 1998,the steam locomotives have been destroyed (98 percent of them).


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  • Resita is the administrative center of Caras-Severin County and also the most important city in terms of economy, finance and culture.
  • The history of the city starts way back in 1769, when by direct order from Imperial Court of Vienna (at that time, the county belonged to the Austrian-Hungarian Empire), the construction of the metallurgical factories starts in Resita.

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  • The core industry of the town has been for many years within the metalurgic and the industrial machinery sectors. This past is still part of the town’s present due to the industrial halls and warehouses scattered all over town, units that belonged to the factories that used to employ  themajority of the  town’s  workforce.Here you will find the Steel Factory, the Machine Construction Factory.



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  • Today  the  town’s population is  close to 75000, decreasing,if compared to 1989 when the town’s  population  reached 110260.



  • The University in Resita trains specialists in various areas like: machine construction technology, welding technology, metallurgy, electro-mechanics, marketing and administration.Picture 089
  • Resita is surrounded by the hills leading to the many touristic  attractions of the Semenic Mountains, among which are three splendid lakes: Secu, Valiug and Trei Ape.

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