The Danube Gorges represent the most picturesque part of the Danube’s Canyon at its passing through the Carpathians mountains. It is hard to write about them,it is better to see them. On a nine kilometers line length, the river has dug its way into the rocks,wildly, being at the same time the border between Romania and Serbia. There are parts where the Danube narrows its path up to 230 meters and areas where the water has a speed of 5 m/sec, which makes navigation difficult.  It’s a show for tourists but a nightmare for navigators who have to struggle with the changing water speed and the narrowness.The Danube Gorges are a component of the „Iron Gates I” Natural Park. On the territory of this nature park, the Danube forms the longest gorges in Europe (134 km) and, in its narrowest sector, creates the Great and Small Danube Gorges where tall and abrupt rocky hills like Ciucarul Mic (313 meters) and Stirbatul Mic (626 meters) border the river.

At the gorges, the mountain and the water harmonized perfectly.
One of the caves you may  visit is the Veteran’s Cave. You hop off the boat and climb some stairs up to the cave. This cave was inhabited  4000 years ago, by the cave men for shelter, the Dacians who were praying to the Zamolxis God and by Turks and Austrians for military purposes. The cave is pretty massive inside. Get ready your camera!

Another  cave is Ponicova Cave. The entrance is very spectacular: you go by boat straight from the Danube inside the cave. The cave is 1666 m.

One of the most impressive picture that ist o be notices( leaving aside nature) is the  church which was  constructed in 1523 or 1453, the dates differing according to the different opinions of people.The name of  Mraconia means a place being hidden or dark water . It is known that during the russian-austriac-turkish battle (1787-1792) it was destroyed but in 1823  ruins were found, along with a slavic proverb  written upon: “Peceat Manastirea Lubostinie Hram Uspenia Presvistaia Bogaraditi Leto 1735.” In  1993 the new stone of the new church was put in there. From the old monastery however it is still kept the old gate and some other minor parts being exhibited in a museum.

Close to Mraconia bay, on the rocky coast of the Danube, there is the towering face of  Decebalus, king of the  Dacians. You can reach it only if you visit the area by boat.There are a lot of them waiting for you! Also, many souvenirs, food stalls remind you that you are in a place where tourism rules. The statue is the tallest sculpture in stone in Europe ( almost 55 meters high), measuring only 6 meters less than the Statue of Liberty. In order to carve it, they used over a ton of dynamite, all the tools being transported by boat and then carried on the backs of the climbers-sculptors. Under the head of Decebalus there is an inscription in Latin, carved in stone: “DECEBAL REX – DRAGAN FECIT” . Iosif Constantin Dragan is the Romanian business man who had the idea of this sculpture being made.However, it is still unfinished. It was made between 1994 and 2004.  On the opposing Serbian shore, you’ll see the symbol of the Roman Empire’s final attack over the Dacian Kingdom, the rock inscription Tabula Traiana, almost 2,000 years old.

The flora of the Danube Gorge has submediterranean characteristics(carpinis, the Gorge’s mazer tree, Turkish hazelnut tree, wild lilac, yew, tulip and the gorge’s bells, rock iris and feather grass. The Danube has a certain smell. It depends on the season. The animal species are best represented by the high number of birds, fish or amphibians. Thirty-four species of mammals are found in the park, from big carnivores like the brown bear or the lynx to wild cats or red deer. Iron Gates Nature Park is also the home of two rare reptile species, Hermann’s Tortoise and the Long-Noised Viper, both protected and endangered.

Convince yourselves that in this region, the Danube gathered all its strength in order to create the most impressive sights. Practise sports, take photos, enjoy the splendid nature! So many things to do! Such an unique place!

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