Caras-Severin county has a number of 6 villages where the Czechs (pemi) live. The majority of Romanian Czechs live in the south-west of the country, with around 60% of them living in Caras Severin county, where they make up 0.7% of the population.

The Czechs were among the last peoples colonized by the  Habsurgs in Banat.Their colonization took place in three main stages in the following years : 1823, 1827 and 1862, as a consequence of the need to populate the sparsely populated territories, to clear the forests and to ensure, together with the inhabitants of the Romanian villages, the protection of the borders.


The large fields are fertile for plants to grow as well as good food for animals,such as cows,horses or pigs.

Ravensca (in Czech Rovensko) is located on the hill at an altitude of cca 750 meters above sea level and about 7 km south-east of the village Sopotu Nou, under which administration it falls.

From the Czech villages in the Banat,it is the highest-located and the best preserved Czech language is spoken here. Thanks to considerable isolation the language is not overly influenced. The village lies in isolation on the wes side of the Almaj Mountains. Electricity was introduced here as late as in 1994.

Local inhabitants make their living mainly in agriculture. They also raise animals that can provide food. Life on the mountain range is very hard, particularly in winter, when the village is almost completely cut off from the rest of the world. This is probably the reason for the rapid decrease of residents. today ,maybe a number of 60 people still live here. There is even school where 4 students learn.

At first, in 1826, 64 were built. Then the number increased and after it fell again.

A chapel was built in 1863. The nowadays church appeared in 1922.

Traditional Czech house, painted in white.

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