Meet Matera and its cave dwellings!

The third  oldest continually inhabited in the world place, Matera , is a network of caves inhabited since prehistoric times.








Matera is the place of the Sassi ( translated as the stones), which are actually 2 neighboorhoods of stone dwellings in the ancient city.20180112_195735.jpg

Situated in the region of Basilicata in the South of Italy, Matera , the place where the famous movie Passion of the Christ( starring Mel Gibson) was filmed, is getting ready to be the European capital of culture in 2019. If you happen to be there these days, you will see much work in progress.


These natural caves in the tufa limestone were back in the past a place of poverty and hardships. People were evacuted in the  year 1952 due to poor living conditions. Families with 9 or 10 children used to live in one room , together with the mules, chickens  or pigs. There was no natural light,ventilation, running water ,plumbing or electricity. There were numerous cases when they were dying of hunger, malaria,cholera or typhoid.There were about 15000 people, most of them farmers and peasants.


Today the place requires from its visitors good walking shoes, because if you want to get in touch with the spirit of the place  and see its beauty ,you are supposed to climb narrow paths ans stairs. The views are outstanding and unique!



You can also see rupestrian churches( carved into stone frescoes) that fit so well the sightseeing. Some few new and elegant restaurants welcome you in a traditional Italian Southern way.


