Muntele Mic, a new superlative of Banat

At the foot of Tarcului Mountains, at an altitude of 1525 metres, we find the splendour of what was in the 1940s the most modern mountainous resort of Romania.


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The resort started its touristic life in 1930 when electricity was introduced. In 1936, the Cross, which is a monument of the heroes from Banat, appeared. Since 2004, a new metal white cross replaces the old one, being at the same time, a symbol of Muntele Mic.


The place has got long and steepy slopes of different difficulty.The cold springs , the fauna and the flora asa well as the mediterranean influences of the climate are a mark of this mountain. There are about 180 days of snow per year.


There are all kind of possibilities for winter sport lovers.You can rent skis,snowmobiles and snowboards. There are olso chairlifts available.


The old hotels( Sebes being the oldest) are in ruins ,but new guesthouses appeared.


A small wooden church is also a lively presence in this scene.




