Incredibly colourful Sighișoara

With cobbled streets, colorful buildings, and a pedestrian-friendly Old Town, it’s difficult not to fall in love with Sighisoara. Yes,  it can feel a bit crowded in the summer. But it’s still well worth a visit.

Sighișoara is a city on the Târnava Mare River in Mureș County, Romania. Located in the historic region of Transylvania, Sighișoara is a popular tourist destination for its well-preserved walled old town, which is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.



Sighisoara (Schäßburg – Schassburg or Schäsbrich in German) still stands as one of the most beautiful and best-preserved medieval towns in Europe.The origins of Sighisoara city go back to the Roman times. During the First Century AD, the Dacians (ancient inhabitants of the territory of modern Romania which eventually will develop into the Romanian people), built a fortification called Sandava.
Under the Roman administration it was known as Castrum Stenarum.
During the 12th century, the Transylvanian Saxons built a new citadel which was named Schäßburg.



Designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, it owns nine towers, cobbled streets, burgher houses . It is also the birthplace of Vlad Dracula.It was he who inspired Bram Stoker’s fictional creation, Count Dracula.Vlad’s father was ruler of nearby Wallachia, but was in exile in Transylvania when Vlad was born.



Sighisoara’s main point of attraction is the Clock Tower, also known as the Council Tower, built in the second half of the 14th century and expanded in the 16th century. The four small corner turrets on top of the tower symbolized the judicial autonomy of the Town Council.



The Scholars’ Stairs( built in 1642)

Located at the end of School Street and connecting the Citadel Square with
the Church on the Hill, the Scholars’ Stairs, or Schoolboys’ Stairs, as it was also known, makes for an interesting piece of medieval architecture. There are 175 stairs, nowadays.


Sighisoara’s walled Old Town consists of roughly 3 main streets. You can easily explore the whole place on foot in one afternoon without any trouble.20170810_104401.jpg

Sighisoara also has a handful of really good museums dedicated to its history, which include the museum in the Clock Tower, and a torture museum right next door( I,personally did not like it)


Even the windows and doors here are colorful. There is an explosion of beauty!Due to its dazzling well-preserved medieval architecture and fortifications,Sighisoara is today one of the most gorgeous and authentic small medieval towns of Europe.


The main attraction of the city is the Medieval Citadel surrounded by a wall with a length of 930 meters, reinforced with fourteen defense towers and five artillery bastions each of them built and maintained by one of the fifteen local guilds. Today nine of the original fourteen defense towers can be seen, they are: the Blacksmith Tower, the Rope Makers’ Tower, the Butchers’ Tower, the Furriers’ Tower, the Tailors’ Tower, the Shoemakers’ Tower, the Tin Tower, and the Tanners’ Tower.



Ohrid, the pearl of Macedonia

If you do not have access to the sea, then you can invest the biggest lake of your country with the features of the seaside. One of the most incredible lakes of the world lies in the Republic of Macedonia. The lake is considered to be the oldest lake ( 3 million years old) of Europe and it is believed to be one of the deepest.

The lake is home to more than 1200 species ( 200 seem to be found only here), being, this way the most biodiverse water on earth when measured by surface area. In fact ,one of its name is the Balkan Galapagos.

Here it is found the endemic pink-fleshed Ohrod trout as well as a fish called plasica, whose scales are turned into pearls through a technique which is so well-kept that only 2 local families are familiar with. So, do not forget to buy some jewels that have Ohrid pearls.



However, Ohrid is not only famous for its lake but also for the city itself. It seems that this settlement was first mentioned in the Greek documents in 353 BC, as the city of light. In 879 was renamed Ohrid ,which means in the cliff. Because, the city which was included  in  the Unesco heritage in 1980 is nestled between mountains that are up to 2100 metres.

I would describe Ohrid as a seductive place because its charm  can be perceived easily. The old town with its cobbled streets and traditional houses with red-tiled roofs is splendid.

Samoil s  fortress,  metaphorically, protects the entire place. There are many medieval churches, monasteries, basilicas that will impress you. They say that Ohrid had 365 churches one for each day of the year. 20180715_121918.jpg




The settlement, situated in the south west of Macedonia on the border with Albania has been built between the 7th and 19th century. You will see that in the architecture of the quaint buildings where the Ottoman architecture is obvious.



The remnants of the antique Roman theatre are a must see of the place.

The old bazaar is also an important spot of Ohrid, together with the lakeside cafes and the fabulous alleways that will give you a feeling of freedom.

Kayak, scuba diving, paragliding are among the water sports that you can practise.

So, a bit of everything- history, swimming, walking, shopping and great views! This is what Ohrid has in store for you! Dare to get it!

Visit Poiana Mărului and stay healthy!

At an  altitude of 500 metres, right in the Tarcului mountains and 25 km away from the town of Otelu Roșu, you will find another marvel of Banat , Poiana Mărului. This place has been declared a spa resort ever since 1936 when people realized that the high level of ozone in the air is of tremendous importance for our health.



A few interestig touristic routes can be done in this area. The waterfalls, cold streams, huge rock, mountains and forests can make you feel incredible.20180701_172009





There is a nun monastery where you can pray or buy different religious objects. The whole surroundings and the church itself are very well taken care of.


The lake is a place where people practise water sports( rafting, canoeing) as well as fishing( trouts, crucians, chubs, bleaks).20180701_170940.jpg20180701_142351.jpg Although this place seems to grow and develop constantly , there are still some shortcomings that you may find annoying. For example, on a sunny Sunday afternoon , we were unable to find a place to eat. Moreover, there were a a few big stray dogs that appeared out of nowhere while you are walking.

Another terrifying image is that of the  huge former   hotel, restaurant Scorilo which is in ruins nowadyas, although it has a great history behind it. The rooms and the whole building is about to collapse. If you are into horror movies you can take a glance at it. This used to be  a symbol of Poiana Mărului.

If you do not mind these, you will probably have a fantastic time!



Sicheviţa, a village close to the Danube

Sicheviţa is one of the villages that is close to the Danube. That may be one of the reasons that you would like to visit it one day. The commune made up of almost 3000 people has got 19 villages.

Situated in the South of Banat region is 29 kilometers away from the city of Moldova Noua. It is close to Locvei mountains and here you can also find hills, watersides and streams. The orchards of plums and other fruits are also a part of the sightseeing.

Most of the houses are repaired and well taken care of. A day of spring and summer can take you on a walk where you can notice some  great  flowers and  their flavours.

The presence of the Danube around it makes the climate have certain features. The summers are hot and the winters are mild.

The  commune has got 4 churches, 2 of which being  Orthodox. One of the church ( the one that is situated in the center, like in most of the villages of Romania, has got a monument dedicated to the heroes that lost their lives in the First World War. It is the locals way of saying thank you.

There is a complex of watermills that are still functioning these days.

The village is not very spectaculous , it is a frontier  village( Serbia is nearby), it does not even have a railway station. But it can be your choice, as long as you are in the area….



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CRAIOVA, the heart of Oltenia


A city break to Craiova, the 6th largest city of Romania may take you by surprise because this place has a lot to offer.

The name of the city founded on the site of the Dacian stronghold Pelendava has two possible ethymologies, both of them of Slavonic origin. The name derives either from the word Kral ( king) or Krajina ( border,edge).

2 or 3 days will be enough to give you a clear taste of this city. It is a city where you feel comfortable because it has a lot to show. What is impressive is that ,despite the earthquake of 1790, the plague of 1795 and a Turkish assault in 1802, when Craiova was burnt, the city is still  live and beautiful.

The historic center has some interesting building, churches, statues and a lot of  pedestrian space. Which is great! What I alos liked were the drawings on the old and ugly buildings of the city.

Alexandru Buia Botanical Garden is also a place where you can enjoy a nice morning afternoon.



The city prides itself on the strong academic tradition and wealth of important historical figures who passed through here on their journey to fame: Wallachian Prince Mihai Viteazu – who served as the ban  of Craiova and achieved the first unification of the 3 Romanian principalities in 1600, the world-famous sculptor Constantin Brancusi – who studied at the Craiova Art School  between 1894 – 1898 and carved his first sculptures here, and  Petrache Poenary, inventor of the first cartridge fountain pen.


The Art Museum, a great building of 1896 has got 6 early sculptures of Brancusi.The Museum also  exhibits valuable masterpieces created by famous Romanian painters, among them Theodor Aman and Nicolae Grigorescu .The neobaroque palace that houses the museum was completed in 1896, following the plans of the French architect Paul Gotereau, who also built the CEC building in Bucharest.

Craiova also has a number of churches, the oldest being the Cosuna Monastery (1483).You can spend a relaxing afternoon visiting the monastery, located only 2.1 miles outside of the city centre.

Another religious site, Madona Dudu Church, is renowned for its mural paintings, completed by the famous Romanian painter Gheorghe Tattarescu .

Oltenia Museum, housed in Baniei House (1699), the oldest non-religious building that exists in Craiova and one of the oldest lay buildings in the country. Here you find an ethnography museum of great value.

You can learn anything and everything about the history of the region, starting with the prehistoric times. It presents the traditional trades and occupations of peasants in Oltenia, starting with hunting, fishing or gathering and ending with raising cattle, working the fields, harvesting the crops, emphasizing the continuity of the locals. The museum exhibits wooden carvings and ceramics, a large collection of jars, bowls of all kinds, plates, carpets in the style and manner used in Oltenia.

You can also see the history museum ( located in another building) and the natural science museum.

Over 90 hectares makes the 111 year old Parcul Nicolae Romanescu one of the largest urban parks in Eastern Europe.  The name of the park was Bibescu in the past.

At the end of the 17th century and the beginning of the 18th century, Craiova’s architecture underwent a transformation with the creation of the Brancovenesti style, a combination of Romanian traditional art, Byzantine and Venetian elements. This style can still be seen today at some of the churches in the city.







Marin Sorescu, Romanian writer



Art Museum




MAy Flowers

Maybe this is thier season because you find them everywhere . Yellow,red,pink,violet and purple and many other hues.

Flowers that bloom in spring are some of the most lush and beautiful of the year!



The biological function of a flower is to effect reproduction, usually by providing a mechanism for the union of sperm with eggs.



Cheile Caraşului and its magnificent gifts

If  you are tired of  your daily routine, then head towards Caras Severin county, because here, between  the intersection of Comarnic and Caras river and Carasova village you will meet one of the wildest, longest as well as spectecular gorges of Romania.They are 12 km away of Resita.

Situated in Anina Mountains, they will take you at least 6 hours of walking. Their length is of about 18-19 kilometres.  Just follow the blue triangle that will take you to the right direction. And enjoy  your day!

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CARAS river offers you photos of great beauty. The narrow and wild paths will take you to different caves ( Valeaga Cave,  with 2 galleries, one of them leading to a lake , Pestera ( The Cave) de sub Cetate or Pestera din drumul Prolazului or  the Bats Cave , which is situated ar 30 metres altitude). You need to be pretty skilled and adventurous to visit them because they are not very accessible.

Some of the canyons will also impress you. The green valleys and the amazing cliffs accompany sometimes the foamy Caras river most of its way.

Some of the cliffs are coverd with ivy and you will also be able to see moss covering the rocks. The forests are shelter to  various birds, insects animals. ( hawks, wolves, martnes, lynxes, bears). The flora is very diverse and it changes according to the season.
Beware of the adders which can come in your way.




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Nera Monastery

Situated on the left bank of Nera River, the monastery is in Slatina Nera, a small village near Sasca Montană.
What is remarkable about this quiet place is the fact that the nuns( around 100) create all kinf of oils and creams, tea  for medical purposes.
There are also painting workshops and a library.


The outdoor steam locomotives museum includes 16 of the most important locomotives that used to function here.

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  • In 1972, a century after their manufacture got started, 16 steam engines, most of them built in Resita, were gathered up in order to emphasize better this chapter of engineering history as well as of the past of this city.Picture 106.jpg



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  • The most outstanding is the locomotive called “RESICZA”, one of the first three steam engines built in South-Eastern Europe, at Reşiţa, between 1872 and 1873
  • In 1960 the production of steam locomotives ceased, the Romanian industry focusing on the production of diesel railway engines. Steam locomotives have been used by C.F.R. (The Romanian Railway Company) until 1980. Between 1980 and 1998,the steam locomotives have been destroyed (98 percent of them).


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  • Resita is the administrative center of Caras-Severin County and also the most important city in terms of economy, finance and culture.
  • The history of the city starts way back in 1769, when by direct order from Imperial Court of Vienna (at that time, the county belonged to the Austrian-Hungarian Empire), the construction of the metallurgical factories starts in Resita.

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  • The core industry of the town has been for many years within the metalurgic and the industrial machinery sectors. This past is still part of the town’s present due to the industrial halls and warehouses scattered all over town, units that belonged to the factories that used to employ  themajority of the  town’s  workforce.Here you will find the Steel Factory, the Machine Construction Factory.



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  • Today  the  town’s population is  close to 75000, decreasing,if compared to 1989 when the town’s  population  reached 110260.



  • The University in Resita trains specialists in various areas like: machine construction technology, welding technology, metallurgy, electro-mechanics, marketing and administration.Picture 089
  • Resita is surrounded by the hills leading to the many touristic  attractions of the Semenic Mountains, among which are three splendid lakes: Secu, Valiug and Trei Ape.

Crivaia in its spring clothes

Looking for some peace and quiet? Then, Crivaia a resort near Resita ( 30 km away) is a possible answer. The place offers a variety of possibilities for hiking, as well as entertainment ( swimming, fishing, sailing, water sports,  night clubs).

The air is of good quality and the average temperatures are around 7 degrees Celsius. People with breathing  problems and neurosis can find the cure here.


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The forests, lakes and caves create marvellous  sceneries.  You can see eagles, hawks, reptiles, squirrels, foxes and deer.

Crivaia is situated at 650 m altitude and lies at south of Gozna Lake and at the foot of Semenic Mountains.

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There are possibilities for camping in vans or tents. There are also places that offer accommodation or food.

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Villa Klaus bulit in 1808 used to be a school camp. Nowadays it is closed. It is also the place where King Mihai of Romania learn how to read and write. The building has a historic importance.

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 A few facts about Caras Severin

Situated on the south-western part of Romania, Caras-Severin County  represents 3,6% of the coexisting relief forms. The mountains have 65,4% of the surface, 10,8 % is represented by the hillsand 16,5 % by the hollows. The plains occupy only 7,3%.

Located not far away from the Adriatic Coastand at the base of the Carphatian Mountains, Caras-Severin County is influenced by a moderate temperate-continental climate with sub-mediteranean influences.Due to the existance of a dominant mountain relief it has determined the existence of an extended water network and many man made lakes.The southern part of the County is crossed by the Danube River which is an important transport routetothe rest of Europe.

The first official mentioning of Caras-Severin dates back in the year 1200.Vast territories, with a breathtaking landscape and special value have been declared natural reservations and have been integrated in the perimeter of the National Parks of Romanian’s total surface. Picture 059Picture 063Picture 026